Saturday, 5 December 2020

Day 5 - Walking In The Air - Autoheart

Hackney's finest on a mesmerising version of a tune you probably didn't think you'd have much time for, but now strangely do. Joey Gadsden's vocals turn Aled's old chestnut into a haunting, bleak apocalypse of a Christmas.

Autoheart - then knows as The Gadsdens - first came to prominence with the beautiful The Sailor Song - one, if not the best song (the video is brilliant too) from 2013; it got a lot of airplay on 6Music but didn't make the band as rich and famous as they deserved.

Two excellent albums followed and there was always a sense the lads - Gadsen, Simon Neilson and Barney JC - just needed a break to make the next step up, but things then went very quiet for a long time before the wonderful Wretch appeared on their web site just after Christmas 2019. There was hopes of more songs and some appearances somewhere in the following months, before 2020 clanged the bars down on us and, understandably, it's all gone quiet again.

There's no YouTube for 'Walking' but follow this to their SoundCloud page and seek out their other tracks while you're there.

Autoheart - Walking in the air

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